MotionMouse moves your mouse pointer according to movements of your
head and upper body. Clicking the mouse can be done via hot keys or by
using special head gestures like nodding or head shaking.
Work more efficent with your hands always on the keyboard.
Work hands-off without using a mouse.
Diversify your movements to avoid health problems.
Enjoy the experience!
MotionMouse is not finished yet, but it is already working pretty ok in
many respects. It was a lot of work to make it work. After many years
of studying computer science, pattern recognition and service-robotics,
including doing a Ph.D., I find myself without work in this field.
MotionMouse is my idea of applying my knowlege usefully. I hope you
found MotionMouse useful enough to encourage further devolopement with
some monetary support.
Requirements for MotionMouse are
A reasonably fast computer, which is running the
Windows operation system (Windows 98 will have some limitations;
newer versions of Windows should do fine).
A camera which can send live video streams to your computer with
at least 15 frames per second when connected via
Video for Windows.
Readyness to enjoy the learning experience of using a new kind of
input device is recommended :*)
Go ahead and have fun!
Axel Walthelm
Screenshots to give you a quick idea
Of course most of the time you won't see any of this...